Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Poker Face

Well I have finally come to the realization that I live in Utah now, that I am no longer on what I thought was vacation. Getting a job really stressed me out!! Seemed like everywhere I went was full of employees and not hiring. Than out of the blue two places that I had applied to called me and offered me a job. I was so relieved. Than I moved into my new place at Foxwood. I still am getting a little adjusted. My roommates seem really cool. My roomie is from Taiwan she is super sweet and always is so helpful. She is here to learn English than she is moving back home. I must say I do love Utah. So far it is treating me good no extreme snow storms. I am really excited about going night boarding next week. I have never been before and I am sure that I will fall on my booty more than actually snow boarding. One thing lately I noticed is I want people to get to know me for me. I feel that most people refer to me as the friend of the friend or the best friend of a friend. Not as Brenna. I have come to realize more and more sense I have been here I have to step out and be...well me. I am no longer going to sit back and see what happens. I am going to have to come out of my comfort zone and make my own friends. Not the ones I feel like I am borrowing. I love the friends I have made through Rosalinda! They are all amazing and great people to be around. I like hanging out with them! I feel however I need to make some on my own. There for I will no longer sit back with a poker face...I am going to need to step up and make my move.


Anonymous said...
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Jonathan said...

Yeah... it is good to make your own friends. I'm glad to have met you through Rosalinda as well. I'm glad that everything is working out for you.