Tuesday, March 3, 2009

There is no place like home

So lately I have been feeling a little home sick. I knew moving here to Utah was going to be a struggle. As my Bishop concealed to me that the "Grass Is not Greener anywhere," and that I will have a hard time. I never had to move around a lot when I was a little girl. I remember when the new kids that moved into my class. I thought they were so cool because they were the new kids on campus. They made friends easily...well at least from where I am. So moving here was an exciting thing because I would make some new friends and find myself more. I hate to say but making friends here has been a little difficult...I meet people from my ward. We hang out talk and have a good time but that is the last I hear from them. I will see those that I meet from my complex walking around and I was say hello and of course they say hi back, but once again that is it. I know I don't have the most outgoing personality and I have come a long way! I used be as one boy called me my freshman year in high school a "hermit." I was not very social. I would just stick with what was familiar to me. Now I talk to people and introduce myself as well as hold meaningful conversations. I miss home mainly for my family. When I would have low days my Mom's home was always open to me. I would curl up on the couch with her and talk to her about all my worries and stresses.My Mom would always have the best words and ways to cheer me up. Here if I have a day like that I either call her or take my car for a drive and play my music. After a therapeutic session of pondering and pray I would return home. I hate putting myself out there sometimes to meet people. Especially when your talking and they kinda blow you off with short and brief answers like your boring them. I feel kinda like a fool.I just want to feel like I am someone people like to be around...well sorry again for another boring rant. 


Jonathan said...

Hey Brenna,

I totally know how you feel. I'm not the biggest into making friends. And I kind of feel like a bad one because I tend to hang out when it is convenient. I have friends that move like blocks away and I stop seeing them. It isn't because I don't consider them my friends... it is just how I have always been. Of course i will chat with them every now and then. At the same time, I've always had friends that I could go to. I don't like moving either. Change takes time and is usually painful... but it also usually ends up working out for the better. :)

joyciebear said...

hey brensters. i know youre going to be okay. just keep trying your best and the Lord will take care of the rest! look at me getting all preachy and molly on you. but seriously...when life gives you rotten bananas...go make some banana bread! then take it to a cute boy in your ward so they'll fall in love with you and want to marry you for your mad baking skills. if you dont do banana bread...go with the awesome PB and chocolate chip cookie recipe and eat half the batch. half of that should be in cookie dough form. yeah that always makes us feel better. oh and then take the rest of the cookies and attach a little note that says "we go together like PB and chocolate" haha omg please dont take my advice in this comment. im talking out my ass. nothing new. but i thought i'd try to make the brenster laugh. so keep your chin up. i know how awesome you are and if people dont see it, they're missing out on a great friend.